
How Ayahuasca Completely Changed My Life

How Ayahuasca Completely Changed My Life

Ayahuasca is something I had been thinking about doing for quite some time. I have heard it in passing before, that it’s some crazy psychedelic drug that will make you trip balls. In that period of my life I wasn’t interested in spiritual growth or any ‘Hippy bullshit’; I was just interested in getting fucked up, basically.

About a year ago I heard about Ayahuasca in much more detail, listening to the Joe Rogan Podcast, particularly the podcast with Graham Hancock, Aubrey Marcus & Amber Lion, and their experiences with the plant medicine. I got more and more interested the deeper I researched this psychedelic plant; especially its healing properties. There have been many cases and studies of Ayahuasca completely curing mental illnesses such as; anxiety, depression and PTSD. I’ve even heard of some cases where people get cured of their cancers and tumours. This is because Ayahuasca gets to the root of the problem, instead of just treating the symptoms like many traditional medicines do. I mean have you ever heard of a case when antidepressants have actually completely cured someone of depression?